For parents raising their first child, their first experience of a kid undergoing a night terror episode can be quite overwhelming. In occurrences that are eerily similar to a Hollywood portrayal of demon possession, children suffering night terrors can trash around, open their eyes, sit up, let out scary howls and shrieks, yet wake up …
9 Reasons You Are Waking Up So Early (And the Solution)
In the modern-day and age when waking up early is a necessity for the majority, it is unusual to see people complain about being able to wake up early on their own. However, for some people who wake up early every morning for no reason, this can present a big problem. These people usually feel …
9 Reasons You Are Waking Up So Early (And the Solution)Read More
Should You Take A Bath Before Sleep? The Debate Comes To An End Here
Lately, we’ve seen many discussions in regards to showering or taking a bath; when it is good for you to shower/take a bath and how much should you shower after all? People usually adjust their bath time according to their own needs and lifestyle. Some people bath in the morning, some at night, and some …
Should You Take A Bath Before Sleep? The Debate Comes To An End HereRead More
Best Foods to Eat Before Bed for Better Sleep
We don’t usually think about it, but what we eat can directly affect the quality of our sleep. Studies have shown that a normal and balanced diet can improve sleep quality as well as quantity. On the other hand, a diet that revolves around carbohydrates and fats decreases the quality of sleep, sleep latency and serotonin production …
Best Sleeping Position for Digestion: Afterall Sleep Is The Best Therapy
In yoga studios and gyms, one has to watch the weight lifting technique and poses keenly to avoid potential injuries and get the most from the exercise. The same applies when it comes to sleep. The sleeping position you lie on plays a huge role when it comes to your general health and wellness. While …
Best Sleeping Position for Digestion: Afterall Sleep Is The Best TherapyRead More
Benefits of Placing a Pillow between Legs When Sleeping
Sleeping for at least 7-8 hours a night helps your muscles and brain to relax and rejuvenate. After a long day at work, getting home and slipping on your bed gives your mind ample time to relax. In fact, many people look forward to bedtime once the clock gets to the evening. This is because …
Benefits of Placing a Pillow between Legs When SleepingRead More
Sleep Shelters for Homeless: Places and Ways At Your Rescue
Are you at risk of becoming homeless? Is your housing secure? If you lost your job tomorrow or were injured in an accident and unable to work for a few months, would you become homeless? Or are you already in a tenuous predicament, living in an informal situation without a lease? Homeless numbers have risen …
Sleep Shelters for Homeless: Places and Ways At Your RescueRead More
What are The Symptoms Of Narcolepsy? Do You Know Everything About It?
Many think of narcolepsy as funny, but this sleep disorder is no laughing matter. Narcolepsy is a rare neurological sleep disorder that affects only 0.05% of the population. Approximately, 1 in 2000 have narcolepsy or will develop the condition between the age of 10 and 30. Moreover, the condition seems to affect both men and …
What are The Symptoms Of Narcolepsy? Do You Know Everything About It?Read More